
25、Love you So I believe in you. 因为爱你,所以我相信你。 26、Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。 27、Next semester to make themselves simple Only questions and scores Only dream and you. 下学期让自己变得简单,眼里只有题目和分数,心中只有梦想和你。

Can you help me throw it? (×) throw 这个词本身是表示“扔”这个动作,而不是扔掉的意思。比如: Can you throw me that book? 你能把那本书扔给我吗? 如果表示扔掉,我们可以说:…thro...

As soon as I made the move 我刚做突破动作 I knew it 接着就感觉到了 It feels like the shockabsorbers 感觉那块用来缓冲的肌肉 in the back of your foot just gone 直接从脚上脱落掉 so it\\'s just nothing there 脚后跟一阵空 so when you walk it\\'s like ...

最近发表的这些实验中量子技术已经突破了天空的限制,同时也是中国在物理科学方面的投资及努力的证明,正因为有了这些投资与努力,该研究团队才能够将应用型量子通信技术方面的研究提升到如此的天文高度。 So I hope you'll enjoy the work and thank you for your patie...

15. "I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out to me." “当然我也会没有安全感,所以如果有人评论我的体重,我就不会和他们来往。” 16...

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